Bayer’s digital health solutions provide women with accessible advice

The ‘Bare Your Pain’ application targets a chronic and painful disease like endometriosis, which is known to affect ten per cent of women of childbearing age.

Bayer Zydus Pharma has launched ‘Bare Your Pain’, an application to help women better manage their endometriosis, as well as ‘Ask Tanu’, a chatbot, which is the first of its kind in India to provide a reliable resource for advice on contraception and reproductive health.

The ‘Bare Your Pain’ application targets a chronic and painful disease like endometriosis, which is known to affect ten per cent of women of childbearing age. About 176 million women suffer from it globally, and, of these, 26 million belong to India alone. The application will enable endometriosis patients to better manage and monitor this chronic health condition. This app would help empower women with the information to manage their disease at home, and also monitor the progression, which would, in turn, help them have better discussions and outcomes whenever they visit the doctor.

“Disease management plays a very important role in Endometriosis. The condition can be managed well when the patient is better aware and is able to monitor the symptoms. In many cases, the patients are unable to provide a clear description of their present condition. Digital interventions in healthcare like the Bare Your Pain application will advance awareness levels and allow us to provide better quality of life to patients,” said Dr Narendra Malhotra, Gynecologist and Obstetrician practising in Agra.

With half of the country’s population younger than 25 years of age, there is also a need to raise awareness on the use of contraception among the youth, and better family planning among young couples.

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