King George’s Medical University built in 1905, has acquired national and global eminence for contributions in academics, research, and patient care. It caters to need of States of UP and others like Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and neighbouring Nepal, offering medical services to more than 20 crore population.
KGMC is situated in the heart of the historic city of Lucknow, 500 km east of Delhi. The university campus adjoins the crowded ‘Chowk’ area and is off Shahmina Road, very close to the bank of Gomti River. The original hospital attached to the college was known as King George Hospital and was commissioned in 1914. This building presently houses the Public Relations Office, the Superintendent’s Office, Head Cashier’s Office, Matron’s Office, stores, emergency Pathology Labs and the Departments of Otorhinolarygology, Orthopedic Surgery, Radiodiagnosis and Radiotherapy, besides general and private wards of surgical specialities. The Gandhi Ward is a three storied building housing the medical wards. Next to the Ophthalmic Block, a new Ophthalmic Block has come up.
Separate Buildings House Departments
KGMU is situated about 5 km from Charbagh Railway Station. Originally, the main administrative building, called the Administrative Block and the Anatomy and Physiology buildings were built in the early 20th century. As the institution grew, more and more departments were created in new buildings. Therefore, the campus consists of a conglomeration of buildings housing the various departments, which came up over a period of 100 years, as and when the need was felt.

There are separate buildings for Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Cardiology, Neurology, Psychiatry, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, Rheumatology, Geriatric Mental Health, Surgical Oncology, Chest Medicine, Pathology, Pharmacology, Anesthesiology, Opthalmology, Urology and Community Medicine. Cardiothoracic Surgery is presently in the Chest Medicine building, Microbiology along with Pathology and Biochemistry along with Physiology.
CT Scan Centre and MRI Centre
A new CT Scan Centre and MRI Centre has been functioning already. Just across the road, next to main hospital building, a new Cobalt Therapy Unit has been built, as part of Radiotherapy Department. The old Casualty building now houses the new OPD Building with modern facilities. A new Surgical Emergency & Trauma Centre was built on Shahmina Road and started functioning in January 2004.
The centre serves as the primary reception for all surgical and medical emergencies and provides all diagnostic and treatment facilities under one roof. Other departments across the Shahmina Road are Queen Mary’s Hospital (Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology), Psychiatry Department, Department of Geriatric Mental Health, Cardiology Department (Lari Cardiology Centre) and the Dental Hospital .
Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation center department on main MG Road opposite Daliganj Bridge, is now the composite complex for Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Physical rehabilitation. There are several hostels interspersed with the department buildings.
Trans Gomti hostel for boys with mulit-storeyed faculty residence, Warden’s residence in Khadra, across the Gomti. University Guest House and Vice Chancellors Residence are located in the main campus.
Research Cell Activities
There is a vibrant research environment in the University. The University has ICMR and GCP Standard compliant Institutional Ethics Committee with competent internal and renowned external members. Intramural grants for junior faculty, postgraduates and undergraduates are given every year with the aim to promote and support high quality research work culture and to place them at a position of advantage. Research Cell also started Ph.D. courses in the year 2004. Teaching and training courses/workshops/seminars are organized by Research Cell from time to time for faculty and students of the University.
The original Administrative Block now houses the Convocation Hall, Seminar Hall (White Hall), Examination Hall, Vice Chancellor’s Office and KGMCICE or Clinical Epidemiology Unit besides other related offices. Beside the main building, a new Administrative Building has come up recently and houses the Registrar’s Office, Finance Office, Examination Cell, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Cells, computer centre etc.
Apex Virology Diagnostic Laboratory
Department of Microbiology, CSM Medical University, U.P., Lucknow has established an Apex virology diagnostic laboratory. The laboratory is well equipped and has the technical expertise to diagnose human pathogenic viruses. Who can avail facilities- any Institution or the doctor or the patient in the state of Uttar Pradesh requiring virological investigations (No charges to be taken from the patient/ organization); Outbreak investigations: Health authorities can contact for outbreak investigations. The team of experts accompanies for collection and transportation of sample.
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Scientific Convention Center
It is built with MPs’ funds. The center was a project of Ex Prime Minister and Member of Parliament from Lucknow, Late Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The huge playground of Sardar Patel Hostel at the intersection of Shahmina Road and MG Road has been divided to accommodate the ambitious Scientific Convention Centre. The center was inaugurated on 19th December 2004 and has been taken over by the university. Phase II of the center now houses a 1000 capacity state of art hall.
The Gandhi Memorial & Associated Hospitals of KGMU has over 4500 functional beds with over 4500 patients admitted at any given time, with on an average 10,000 new patient attending the OPD every day. The competencies and capabilities are utilized to the fullest in order to serve the droves of patients flocking in, incessantly, with greater expectations, every day. More than 15 lac patients visit this Tertiary Care Centre, with 1,00,000 indoor admissions, in a year’s time.
Other general facilities on the campus
-Allahabad Bank – KGMU (in basement of Central Library) and KGDU branches with ATM service
-Post Office
-Cafetaria (next to Central Library)
-Public Call Office (in main hospital building)
-Three night stay dormitories (rain baseras) for poor patients and attendants..
-Sulabh Shauchalaya complexes – one opposite new Pharmacology Building and the other opposite Gandhi Ward.
-24 hour running drug shops
-State Government Employees Welfare Canteen
-Public Distribution Shop which provides rations, kerosene etc.
-Police Outpost and Security personnel
-Underground Car Parks
-Juice shops, Parag Dairy, Nescafe Booth etc
-PABX telephone system linking all points on the campus.
-Free shuttle service to move around patients and attendants from one department to other.
It is the largest Residential Medical University in India with Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dental Sciences, Faculty of Nursing and Faculty of Paramedical Sciences. King George Medical University was ranked fifth by the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) among medical colleges in 2018
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